When Is It Time to Hire HR Consulting Services?

hr advisory services

Outsourcing internal matters to a third party may seem counter-intuitive: why pay someone else to do something you can do yourself? But the truth of the matter is that the more time you spend on ironing out conflicts or onboarding new employees, the less time you have to invest in how to level up your company. Our consultants at Pivot HR are highly trained and experienced, and we will do a thorough job on any HR tasks you hand our way.

These are some of the instances in which an external HR group will be beneficial:

  • When you need to hire employees
  • When your policies need updating or don’t exist
  • When you’re conducting a workplace investigation
  • When you can’t retain employees

Don’t get caught up putting out fires when you could be strategizing your business’s next step. Keep reading about how Pivot HR can help you below.

When You Need to Hire Employees

The process of interviewing and onboarding is intensive, and if a business finds itself repeating this cycle regularly, it can become a full-time position. Writing the job description, interviewing, contacting references, and more are all tasks that can be outsourced to Pivot HR. Our team is well-versed in finding the right fit for businesses on their behalf. We go as far as conducting “stay interviews” after 90 days to see what is working for them and what is not. This is the window of time where turnover is most likely to occur, and stay interviews can help mitigate this.

When Your Policies Need Updating Or Don’t Exist

Whatever the issue you are facing, Pivot HR has comprehensive advisory services available to you. It may be as simple as implementing HR documents, but hiring a professional HR consulting service will alleviate stress and free up your time for more pressing tasks. If your business has yet to make policies and official documents, there is no better time than now. Take preventative measures now to save yourself time and potential legal trouble in the future.

When You’re Conducting a Workplace Investigation

An impartial third party should always do workplace investigations. If not handled properly, investigations can lead to worse workplace conditions. When you work with Pivot HR, we are discreet and thorough in our confidential investigation. Using external HR consulting services means you mitigate the risk of biases intervening with results. At the conclusion, we will send you a complete report outlining our key findings, along with recommendations for a path forward.

When You Can’t Retain Employees

High employee turnover rates indicate something going wrong at a systematic level. If it feels like you are always re-hiring, you may have issues with compensation, culture, or leadership. Each business that experiences high turnover in any position needs to be reevaluated. Pivot HR’s anti-bullying and harassment training and compensation plan review are just two places we start. HR consulting services can help identify the business’s bottlenecks and create a plan to address issues.

Whose HR Consulting Services To Use

Pivot HR understands government policies in the US and Canada, down to HR differences between each state or province. From California to Manitoba, our professional consultants work with businesses in all industries to solve HR problems. If you are in need of trustworthy HR consulting services, contact Pivot HR today.

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