The Role of External HR Consultants in Developing an Employee Manual

do i need to develop an employee manual for my business

As your business grows, establishing clear policies and standards is essential for maintaining operations and fostering an organized work environment. Creating a comprehensive manual for your staff is a great way to communicate policies, expectations, benefits, and resources they should be aware of during their time in your employ.

But how do you make sure your manual is accurate and up-to-date with employment regulations? Working with an external HR consultant will help you create a handbook that protects your employees’ rights while serving your company’s best interests! Below, we’ll discuss how Pivot HR can help you establish fair and legal employment standards, so keep reading to learn more!

Do I Need an Employee Manual?

According to the Canada Labour Code, employers must provide their staff with a written employment statement containing details such as their contract of employment, collective agreement, and policy manual. An excellent way to follow this statute is by creating an employee handbook containing information specific to the staff and the company.

An employee manual clarifies for new staff members what your company expects from their behaviour and job performance and outlines the policies they must follow. Having easy access to this information can help staff better understand their legal obligations and rights, preventing the potential for misunderstandings and conflict down the line.

Your manual should include policies, benefits, compensation, time off, behaviours, and other details for your staff members to have on hand. If they have questions about certain aspects of their employment, they can simply check the document!

Where External HR Consultants Contribute

Not every business owner is human resources-savvy. At Pivot HR, we provide various consulting services for our clients, including advising them on creating or updating employment manuals. External human resources assistance can benefit you in the following ways:

Experts in HR Best Practices

As an HR firm, our focus is on protecting the rights of your employees and helping create a safe work environment. Issues like bullying, harassment, misconduct, and other instances that require a workplace investigation are complex, and we can help you properly outline how such matters will be handled in your company.

Compliance with Employment Laws

Employment laws are constantly changing, and most business owners don’t have the time to stay updated with the changes. An external HR consultant will not only help you establish guidelines that follow current employment laws, but at Pivot HR, we’ll regularly examine your policies and update them when new laws and regulations come into play.

Enhanced Efficiency

As a business owner, you have several duties, making creating a comprehensive employee handbook difficult without the proper assistance and knowledge to back you up.

Hiring an external HR consultant will allow you to focus your internal resources on more pressing business matters. At the same time, we work on outlining policies, gathering necessary information, and compiling an employee manual draft for your review.

Hire an Expert Consultant from Pivot HR

If your employee handbook needs some TLC, our experienced consultants at Pivot HR are here to help. We’ve assisted several companies in the Toronto and Vancouver areas and now offer our services in Santa Barbara, California. To learn more about our consulting services, contact us today!

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