Increase Employee Retention with Anti-Bullying & Harassment Training

workplace bullying and harassment investigations

Where there are two or more people, conflict is bound to arise. From intimidation to inappropriate text messaging – workplace harassment takes on many different forms. Employers and employees alike need to be fully informed about what constitutes harassment as a first step towards preventing it from happening within their workplaces.

Our professional team of consultants at Pivot HR has helped many workplaces all over the US and Canada resolve conflict through our anti-bullying and harassment training. Corporate training on bullying and harassment can go a long way to cultivating a caring response. Read more about how you can prevent this from happening in your workplace below.

How Bullying and Harassment Show Up

Statistics from studies conducted all around the United States report staggering numbers of men and women in the workforce experiencing some form of sexual harassment or discrimination. While this number is far greater in women, both men and women alike have quit or changed jobs due to harassment and bullying all over the country. In our experience, a lot of harassment takes place at a higher level, typically someone who is harder to report, and the habits trickle down.

Sexual harassment is the most common form of harassment that individuals experience, but it can show up in other ways:

  • Verbal aggression
  • Intimidation
  • Humiliation
  • “Hazing”
  • Name-calling
  • Vandalizing
  • Spreading rumors
  • Physical attacks
  • Insulting

Victims of bullying and harassment are at a higher risk of insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, and anxiety. Employers may notice the victim experiencing a decrease in productivity or more absences from the office. Preventing workplace bullying and harassment is the best step to take, but stopping it soon after it happens is the second.

Steps to Combat Workplace Bullying

Pivot HR’s anti-bullying and harassment training for staff and management will help you proactively address bullying and harassment to create a workplace culture that values safety and respect. In our training, we cover how to respond to bullying and resolve personal conflict, go over and edit your policies with you, and conduct official workplace investigations on your behalf.

We urge all employers not to wait until something happens to begin implementing training and procedures. The best time to take action is before something happens! One of the best things you can do for your staff is have a confidential way for your employees to chat with you about concerns. Often, hiring a third-party HR service like Pivot HR is what your workplace needs in order to have a bias-free look at your workplace’s culture.

A workplace culture that is positive, supportive, and respectful will mean a team with a higher employee retention rate. It’s been studied that in workplaces where bullying, harassment and toxic leadership exist, there are lower rates of employee retention. Anti-bullying and harassment training may be what your company needs to experience for the culture to shift.

Reignite Positivity in Your Workplace Today

Pivot HR works with businesses regardless of size, industry, or location. Whatever issues your workplace is having, a qualified HR team like Pivot HR can help. If you have any questions, contact our team today! We’d love to hear from you.

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