A Closer Look at Workplace Investigations (& How to Do One)

workplace hr investigations

Someone has stepped forward and made an official complaint that they are being harassed—now what?

It’s imperative that you begin an official workplace investigation immediately. No matter the claim, an accusation should be taken seriously. Workplace investigations are a reliable way to provide a comprehensive and objective evaluation of the situation, presenting facts and uncovering issues. Pivot HR works with organizations to provide bias-free third-party insight through detailed investigations and conflict resolution training. Below, we walk through what a workplace investigation will entail and why it is necessary.

What is a Workplace Investigation, and Who is Involved?

Workplace investigations are often triggered by claims of interpersonal conflict, harassment or bullying, violent conflict, or breaches of policy. These claims are serious and should be addressed as such. Getting to the bottom of the matter quickly and discreetly should be your top priority. Through a workplace investigation, you will need to do all of the following:

  • Inform all involved parties of the investigation, its confidentiality, and why it is serious
  • Interview complainant, respondent, and witnesses
  • Review documentation such as emails and messages
  • Reflect on all gathered information for viability and credibility
  • Compile a report of findings with any necessary recommendations

Because many of these steps can be coloured by personal biases of the people conducting the investigation, hiring an outsourced HR consultant firm like Pivot HR can be beneficial. We are unaffected by the outcome and, therefore, will be able to conduct a more impartial investigation and conclusion. This is especially true in cases where the business is small and interconnected.

Why They Are Necessary

Workplace investigations from a professional HR company are extremely necessary when a claim is brought forward. In smaller businesses where coworkers are closely knit, it may be tempting to sweep a claim under the rug. The ethics of this and the implications for the company can produce dire consequences in the long run. The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) requires employers to have a process in place for such complaints to be heard and handled properly. Workplace investigations do just this.

What To Expect: The 5 Steps

A workplace investigation is performed in 5 steps:

  1. Collecting information: This may include statements, interviews, documents, etc.
  2. Reviewing facts: An unbiased party is best fitted for reviewing the facts to determine a conclusion.
  3. Identifying key findings: Summarizing findings will help in planning the next steps.
  4. Planning corrective action: At the conclusion of the workplace investigation, action must be taken.
  5. Making recommendations: Our team at Pivot HR always makes recommendations based on the findings that can help facilitate a better work atmosphere in the future.

If your organization does not have an HR department internally, we recommend outsourcing your investigation to a consulting firm such as Pivot HR Services. Our team works discreetly in gathering information so as to not disrupt the workplace culture as much as we can. A detailed but confidential investigation is what you need to take your worker’s claims seriously.

We are here to help. Contact our team today and give us an overview of your situation. We have experienced consultants in the US and Canada who are ready to assist you in restoring peace to your business.

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