What Do I Do After Anti-Bullying & Harassment Training?

anti bullying and harassment training

Following up with action after you and your employees take anti-bullying and harassment training is crucial. Training is important as it provides education from unbiased professionals; but over time, this knowledge can be forgotten. What are you doing as a leader to prevent your employees from returning to old practices?

Pivot HR provides anti-bullying and harassment training and can follow up with you to evaluate existing policies and regulations. If you need a total re-evaluation of old documents, developing new policies, or minor edits, Pivot HR has the expertise needed to help you make a healthy workplace.

Below, we give you a few tips on making the most out of your anti-bullying and harassment training.

Follow The Leader

As a leader in your company, no matter your title, employees look to you to demonstrate what is appropriate workplace behaviour. The onus is on you to be the first to create a healthy atmosphere. Show your employees that your workplace is zero-tolerance through your own actions first, and then it is up to them to follow. This can look like any of the following:

  • Taking responsibility
  • Initiating positive feedback
  • Providing clear and concise communication
  • Encouraging teamwork
  • Showing empathy
  • Being flexible
  • Offering support

These behaviours will showcase what your company values and encourage others to follow suit. Portraying positive leadership in the workplace on a regular basis following your work’s anti-bullying and harassment training, the effects of the training will not be lost.

Nip it in the Bud

See employee behaviour that goes against company policy? Stop it immediately. Never allow unwelcome habits, speech, or interactions to go uncorrected. It is the duty of management to take action where appropriate.

Waiting until there is a formal report or claim brought forward can have unintended and often permanent consequences, whereas instilling policies, providing education, and producing clear reporting mechanisms are the building blocks that keep the anti-bullying and harassment training working.

Ask for Guidance

Pivot is more than happy to work with you on creating innovative strategies to foster a positive work environment. Pivot HR’s proactive guidance can help employers navigate bullying and harassment professionally to create a workplace of respect and safety.

We provide comprehensive HR services, including one-on-one and group coaching, anti-bullying and harassment training, HR bullying investigations, foundational HR services, and more. Let us know if you would like further assistance in correcting the workplace culture in your company.

Create a Healthy Workplace with Pivot HR

With over 20 years of experience, Pivot HR has provided hundreds of businesses in California and Vancouver with the HR services they need to grow their business and thrive. Our professional HR consultants are trained to discreetly investigate claims of harassment and bullying through our HR bullying investigations. If you are dealing with complaints, unhealthy employee relationships, or an overall negative company culture, Pivot HR can help turn it around.

Contact our team to talk about your outsourcing HR needs, or read more about us and what we can do for you.

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