Create An Emotionally Safe Workplace with DEI Training

dei training

Any business can do everything to keep their employees physically safe, but what about psychologically? Microaggressions, unconscious biases, and privilege can create tension between employees and cause negative effects on both their mind and their work. Diversity and inclusion training from reputable HR consultants can start a conversation and teach employees how to make the environment they want to work in.

An HR service provider such as Pivot HR can provide training and resources regarding diversity and inclusion to get you on your way to a happy, healthy business. Read on to learn about what DEI training is and what it can do for you.

What is DEI Training?

DEI stands for diversity, equity and inclusion. Also called diversity and inclusion training, DEI training is an excellent way for groups and individuals to identify conscious and unconscious biases to create a more inclusive workplace. Unconscious bias can result in unintentionally hostile work environments, as groups of people will identify another group as others. This mindset can be extremely harmful to the group being othered, creating an unwelcoming and sometimes even toxic environment.

DEI training with Pivot HR focuses on building a stronger team to create a more diverse workforce that is safe and inclusive. It’s more than hiring regardless of someone’s gender, religion, or skin colour: It’s about learning to utilize the insights provided by a diverse group of people.

Who Needs DEI Training? How Often?

All businesses need to do regular diversity and inclusion training in addition to providing training during the onboarding process. We recommend businesses schedule DEI training annually for all employees. No business is without biases, and when it comes to the comfort of your employees, conscious and unconscious biases should be heavily scrutinized.

Pivot HR’s Diversity and Inclusion Training

Pivot HR can design a diversity and inclusion training program fit for your business, through conducting assessments, popping the hood on internal policies, developing feedback mechanisms and reporting outcomes, and more. Our professional HR consultants are familiar with training groups of executives, Board of Directors, management, and employees alike. Our training covers the following topics, among others:

Unconscious bias

These can show up as stereotypes, assumptions and attitudes regarding certain individuals who are perceived as others.

Power and privilege

Privileges are a type of immunity, advantage, or special right granted to only certain persons or groups.


A subtle, indirect or unintentional discrimination of a marginalized group that portrays negative attitudes.


Learning self-empowerment and positive thinking can change attitudes and performance of employees.

Psychological Safety

The mind is a powerful thing, and creating a workplace where employees feel psychologically safe is just as important as physical safety. Cultivate a healthy and safe atmosphere at work for everyone through regular diversity and inclusion training, and grow the team you need.

Pivot HR has over 20 years of experience in human resources, and we have a diverse team of HR consultants who can help your business. Read what past clients have to say about us, or read more about our services. Book your diversity and inclusion training today by contacting our team.

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