Resolve Small Business Workplace Investigations with HR Consulting

workplace hr investigations

Handling staff disputes can be particularly challenging for small businesses, as they may involve close friends and long-time colleagues. Conflict is often unavoidable in the workplace, but if serious accusations are raised, the situation can become more difficult to handle internally. In an effort to remain unbiased and ensure workplace investigations are fairly resolved, many small businesses outsource these issues to HR consulting firms.

There are several benefits to working with a team of HR professionals as opposed to conducting a solo investigation. Below, we’ll discuss a few reasons why small business HR consulting may be the best route to dissolving disputes and breaches of conduct in your company. Keep reading to learn more!

When HR Services Should Replace Internal Resolution

Small business owners have many responsibilities and very full schedules. When conflict arises, they may struggle to find appropriate times to sit down with their employees and discuss the issue. Lack of time dedicated to fixing internal problems may result in the incident being handled unfairly or left unresolved.

Many small businesses also retain close friends and family as employees, and if dealing with conflict is not your strongest trait, it may be challenging to approach workplace investigations from a balanced and unbiased perspective.

If you try to handle human resources tasks without professional help, this may cause tension among your employees and lead to a hostile work environment. In contrast, HR professionals are well-versed in dealing with high-stress situations involving coworker disputes.

At Pivot HR, we approach workplace investigations by stressing the importance of confidentiality to foster honesty and transparency between us and your employees. We don’t take sides but look at each investigation objectively. Everyone involved is given a fair opportunity to explain their point of view, and their comments are not shared with anyone outside of the investigation.

After our interviews are completed, we provide you with a detailed and thorough report, including our recommendations for how to best resolve the problem – you don’t have to worry about making the final decision alone!

How You Benefit from HR Intervention

Professional assistance is crucial when handling allegations involving sexual harassment, bullying, and discrimination. Such disputes can have severe consequences for the guilty party and, if handled unfairly, can result in serious legal ramifications for your small business.

In the state of California, all employers are required to follow specific regulations and mandates when handling workplace harassment. Outsourcing these disputes to HR consultants will ensure proper policies and procedures are followed, and the issue is given the attention it deserves. Working with a consulting firm like Pivot HR will protect your business and employees from potential legal pitfalls.

Work with Pivot HR and Resolve Conflict in the Workplace

If you’re facing a high-stress situation involving your employees, don’t try to handle it alone—reach out to our team at Pivot HR! From our US office in Santa Barbara, California to our Canadian offices in Vancouver and Toronto, we’ll work with your small business to formulate an action plan, set up employee interviews, conduct internal research, and find a resolution. Contact us to learn more about next steps!

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