Retain Your Best Employees with Good Benefits

employee retention and benefits

What is the importance of compensation and benefits, really? Can a company be profitable and still pay its employees above market value? I have a compensation plan; why do I need to reevaluate it? These questions, and many more, are common questions wondered by employers.

Pivot HR has walked through many compensation plans and benefits packages with employers who are experiencing employee frustration due to wages and benefits. Where there is a human resources problem, Pivot HR has the services and experience to help you maneuver your business to have better favour in the eyes of your employees. Want to learn how to secure your best employees? Find out how below.

When you are starting to question the importance of compensation and benefits for your employees, ask yourself the following questions. The answers to these questions will tell you a lot about your company’s current market position.

When was the last time your company’s benefits and compensation plan was reviewed?

If you haven’t reviewed your compensation plan and benefits package for over a year, reevaluating both should be high on your priority list. This is not to say it must change, but if the market has fluctuated and you are experiencing a high turnover of your best employees, your compensation might be to blame.

Each department may allow for different time periods between evaluations, which can make things complicated for you. Outsourcing your compensation plan and benefits package evaluation frees up time for you and helps you care properly for your employees.

How has the economic situation changed since the compensation plan and benefits package were created? Do you account for inflation?

Should you find that your compensation package is competitive in today’s market, that might be an indicator that you are providing adequate pay. If the economy has fluctuated, especially with inflation, are your employees still satisfied with their pay? If you do not currently have personal wellness days available to your employees, your compensation plan might need help from professional HR consultants like Pivot HR.

What industry are we evaluating this for?

Depending on industry compensation trends, businesses should have compensation reviewed annually, and the review should be detailed as well as purposeful. Different industries may do well with an employee engagement survey asking them about their perspective on the importance of compensation and benefits, and if they feel their needs are met.

Who is our company benefits provider? Are we still getting competitive benefits?

Lastly, if your benefits provider has not changed in years, there might be better, more competitive benefits packages on the market that will increase employee retention. Look into competitive benefits packages, and perhaps engage employees in a talk about their satisfaction with their current benefits package.

The importance of compensation and benefits is not to be understated. Updating your benefits package and compensation plan does not mean going broke. With Pivot HR, we can find a balance that will encourage employee satisfaction and economic growth for the business. If your business has not reevaluated employee compensation and benefits recently, contact Pivot HR to discuss our compensation and rewards services.

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