New Workplace Trends: Dealing with Evolving Workforces

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Is your workplace equipped to deal with the many evolving trends and patterns facing business owners and organizations today? As the workforce adopts new standards and employees evolve, companies need to learn how to pivot and change efficiently in order to stay ahead. At Pivot HR, we know better than anybody else how quickly times and trends change within the field of Human Resources. As we move into a new year, with plenty of new trends emerging, knowing how to stay ahead is essential for success.

Below, we’ll highlight some of the emerging patterns in today’s workforce, as well as the benefit of partnering with a trusted HR consultancy like Pivot HR to set your team up for success. Read on to learn more!

A New Generation Enters the Workforce

While we may often talk about the “baby boomers” beginning to leave the workforce, it’s equally important to acknowledge that as of 2021, Gen Z (1997-2010) now accounts for an estimated 40% of today’s employees. Anytime the workforce encounters a significant change in its demographics, employers should be prepared to embrace changing priorities, new information, and different practices that have become the new “standard”. As we head into 2023, companies, organizations, and not-for-profits can expect their vibrant workforce to become even more diverse thanks to new faces entering regularly!

Different Work Models

It’s no secret that Covid has forced businesses and organizations to adapt on the fly when it comes to our standard work models. With so many of us have spent time working from home and/or in a hybrid model, remote work has become a hot topic of conversation. Many companies find themselves facing the question of altering their current model to accommodate different styles of working and what works best for their specific needs.

Flexible Work Hours

Similar to the question of remote work, many employees have become accustomed to more flexibility in their standard work hours. Employers across Canada have been piloting and considering 4-day work weeks in addition to less rigidity in the normal “9-5” we’re used to. While many remain on the fence about making a permanent shift to standard operation models, there is considerable new research that seems to indicate that increased flexibility does positively correlate with boosted productivity in the workplace, thus leaving the concept worth considering for the long term.

Communication Forward

With remote work, differing hours, and a new generation all being introduced into the workplace, communication is more important than ever before. Finding ways to centralize your communication, be it over Zoom, email check-ins, instant messaging like Slack, etc, is crucial for the best efficiency and will help everyone stay in the loop when it matters most.

Work/Life Balance

Finally, one of the biggest things that has come to our attention in the last few years is the renewed importance of work-life balance. Every company faces unique challenges and circumstances when it comes to protecting their employees’ off time, but no one is exempt from making it a priority. Be aware of the ask you place on their off-hour time (even for social events), and find ways to remind your staff that taking time for their well-being isn’t just welcome, it’s productive for everyone!

Balance Starts With Leadership

So, how do you ensure your company is ready to face today’s workforce? Equipping your management team with the skills to excel is vital for the whole team’s growth. At Pivot HR, we’re pleased to partner with teams across Canada to help you handle evolving work patterns and make a solid foundation for the future. Contact us today to learn more!

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