What is DEI Training? Creating Diverse and Inclusive Workspaces with Pivot HR

dei training

Does your workplace have a dedicated policy and approach when it comes to creating a safe, diverse work environment that’s open to everyone? With today’s workforce focused more on inclusion and growth than ever before, it’s time for businesses, organizations, and non-for-profits to take the next steps in enhancing their diversity and inclusion standards to ensure that you’re in the know when it comes to the best standards and creating a sustainable workplace culture that truly has your people in mind.

At Pivot HR, we believe that we’re at our best when we embrace diversity and create inclusive spaces that allow team members to grow and excel with ease. As an HR consultancy based in Vancouver, BC, we’re proud to partner with businesses, organizations, and not-for-profits to build a better tomorrow by preparing their team to welcome change and growth today. Below, we’ll explore some of the key principles of DEI and why it matters for every workplace. Read on to learn more!

What is DEI

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI/DE&I) refers to any set of policies, standards, or approaches designed to facilitate a safe, diverse, and inclusive space for current and future employees. Both diversity and inclusion have been a longstanding topic of conversation within the workforce (more on that below). DEI represents the continual evolution of important conversations and perspectives that challenge businesses and organizations to prioritize a dedicated approach to improvement through their practices in the workplace.

DEI training is essential when it comes to creating a positive workplace culture for employees of all backgrounds and experiences, and pushes us to uncover hidden biases, work together to create a better environment for all, and allow everyone to focus on performing with peace of mind.

Core Elements of DEI Training and Practices

DEI is an incredibly vast field, and every team will have specific needs when it comes to implementing diversity and inclusion training within your own company or organization. As a general guideline, however, standard DEI training typically covers the following 3 areas:

Identifying the Difference Between Diversity and Inclusion

While diversity and inclusion may serve similar purposes when it comes to expanding the workforce and preventing the marginalization of minorities, they are intrinsically very different from one another. Just because you have a diverse workforce full of people from different backgrounds, religions, orientations, or cultures, does not automatically imply that they are included within your day-to-day practices and fundamental values. A diverse and inclusive team recognizes the unique strengths and experiences of ALL team members and actively seeks to incorporate their voices into everything they do.

Addressing Unconscious Bias

It’s easy to assume that you operate without any sort of bias towards anyone, but in practice, this is far less common than you might think. Unconscious biases have permeated almost every little daily facet of our daily lives and have become a point of concern in the workforce. With the help of DEI training, you can bring attention to the many ways we can accidentally make judgements, exclude someone, default to stereotypes, or otherwise act without realizing it. As the saying goes, the first step towards change is acknowledgement, and shining a light on biases can transform your workspace significantly.

Discussing Situational Awareness and Allyship

In addition to tackling hidden biases, DEI training is a valuable asset when it comes to teaching your staff how to become more situationally aware as to how they may be presenting themselves, making others uncomfortable unintentionally, exhibiting microaggressions, or missing opportunities to act as an ally to their teammates.

Build A Better Path Forward With Pivot HR

Building a better future for everyone in the workforce starts with taking a closer look at where we are today. At Pivot HR, we’re proud to partner with your team to develop DEI plans and policies that equip and empower your team to grow with compassion, emotional intelligence, and success. Learn more about our DEI training by contacting us today!

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